Tocapp Games Wear Apps

Absurd Monsters Puzzle: 3x3 puzzle for Wear OS 2.1.0
Tocapp Games Wear
Fun puzzles about universe artist Mickael "Patiño" Brana. 50puzzles of strange characters, strange animals and absurd monsters.All images are handmade with Doodle style. The game transforms theimages into a random 3x3 puzzle. The algorithm ensures that eachgenerated puzzle has a solution. It's a hard game to solve, butsimple to play, just touch the cells near the hidden cell to slideand try to form the image. A puzzle game designed to play on watchwith Wear OS!
Alpha Gradient: Mental color challenges for watch
Tocapp Games Wear
With a combination of colors gradients and random blurring, aseriesof patterns and colors challenges will be generated, formemoryimprovement. Minimalist in appearance, you can observesmooth colorstransitions and simple progressions between differentcolors, can beconsidered a relaxing puzzle games. For mobile, thegame has morethan 700 challenges, classified in differentsections: A -> Arandom pattern appears on the screen. You mustmemorize and repeatit in the correct order. B -> A patternappears on the screen.You must memorize and repeat it. C -> Aset of colors will appearon the screen. You must memorize thepattern that corresponds to thegradient color of the level andthen mark them. D -> Differentcells will appear randomly markedon the screen. You must memorizethem and then mark them. E -> Aset of sparse cells will appear.You must memorize them and repeatthem. F -> A set of colors willappear on the screen. You mustmemorize the colors of the level andthen mark them. G ->Several patterns will appear on the screenat the same time. Youmust memorize the one that corresponds withthe color gradient ofthe level and repeat it in the correct order.H -> A randompattern appears on the screen. You must memorizeand repeat in thereverse order. I -> A mix of challenges fromprevious levelswill appear. Wear OS Support with a reduced version.Take advantageof the small lost times to brain training.
Live Gradients 🌈 Colors Watch Face for Wear OS 1.3.0
Tocapp Games Wear
Beautiful gradients for your watch. Watch the progress of thecolors🌈. If you can't wait to see how gradient colors change,touch thescreen to change the colors. Wear OS Watch Face